We have a busy weekend with Doug & Sue here. Tess vaults today at a meet at UCSD, this will be our first time to see her compete this season. Busy, productive week at the house, all good. Next week I'll be up north to see Mom so will write a brief post.

Dining room
We met with the tree guy and the landscaper. As I listened to the landscaper talk and began to brainstorm with her, I thought why am I going to pay this person $50 an hour to come up with drawings and oversee the work when her ideas are similar to mine. So with our gardeners, Rudy & Abel, we'll do it ourselves. After cleaning the back completely of debris it's clear that the hill is mostly granite. Dirt for planting trees above and some below, nothing in the middle. It will be interesting and challenging to figure this out. We can always ask for help later. Meanwhile, I can't find a single gardening tool in the packed garage!
I don't know about other credit card companies but American Express has a "shopping mall" through which one can make purchases and earn triple points. I never paid attention to it before (even though I used to regularly order things from stores that are on their list), finally I have wised up! By ordering on-line (through their "mall") we get something extra out of this! We'll take a free upgrade any day. Then there are the rebates! Replacing windows, buying appliances, getting window treatments that keep heat out/in, toilets that are low flow... now is the time to do it. It's another way to get something back while making improvements.
That is all for this week, next promises to be very fully packed. I'll catch up when I get back from Palo Alto.
Here are but a few of the interesting sites that have inspired and aided me. So much out their to assist the creative in you......
The Improvised Life
Reliable Remodeler
Decorating Diva
The Kitchen Designer
Kitchen Remodeling Blog
Since I saw you in PA I'm anxious for updates and photos!! It all sounds great and hopefully you will be in your BR in a week or so. Any expectations for when the kitchen will be done or is that the last? Also, garden photos please. :o))