Wednesday, May 26, 2010


It has been a very trying time.  Just thought I'd say we are alive and struggling to have some semblance of a home for Memorial Day weekend.  This project won't be nearly finished, likely there will be no appliances in place or toilets working until late Friday afternoon.  Needless to say, Mother will stay in a hotel.  It is what it is and hopefully the family will be comfortable enough for meals and gathering.  Some of the floor will be wood, some will be sealed concrete.   It's not pretty!

This is the update for now.   I'll feel more like a lengthy msg. and pictures next week.


  1. OMG is right! Have you considered a restaurant for the birthday festivities? It seems like you're putting yourself through so much in order to be able to entertain in your new home.
    I wish you good luck and look forward to next week's message.
    Love you, Judysurroundedbyboxes

  2. OMG is an understatement!!! Take a deep breath and know that it will be an excellent weekend and even Ma Nature seems willing to cooperate!! You will have all sorts of help... is the contractor buying dinner Sunday?? :o))

  3. Look at it this way - with no sinks, toilets or floors, you won't have to scrub toilets, do the dishes or vacuum. Sounds like a wonderful way to start a party to me. Happy birthday to Mom and enjoy this beautiful weather. btw, do you have a roof??
